
8 High School Pupils to Visit Soviet Union

Eight county high school students will travel to the Soviet Union for 26 days this summer to study alongside teen-agers from throughout the Soviet Union and the United States.

The trip was arranged in conjunction with the American and Soviet academies of science. People to People, which has arranged university-level student exchanges since the 1950s, is sponsoring the trip.

Louise Komp, a Ventura High School chemistry teacher who helped make the arrangements, selected 13 students from 69 applicants.


Ventura High students chosen for the trip are Bert Dannenberg, Aarron Jue, Denise Martinez, Christopher Pincetich, David Grainger, Matt Eckman and Todd Murray. Geof Reglos is from Oxnard High. Five other students from Southern California and nearby states will join the group.
