
HUNTINGTON BEACH : Third School Hit by Teacher Boycott

A boycott by teachers which began last week at two Huntington Beach City School District campuses has spread to a third school.

Dwyer Middle School teachers announced that they are suspending activities such as grading students’ papers at home, tutoring after school and coordinating intramural sports programs.

They also plan to boycott scheduled field trips and on-campus educational fairs, said Sharon Boudreau, a Dwyer teacher and president of the district teachers association.


The boycott is patterned after actions taken last week by teachers at Sowers Middle School and Eder Elementary School, and union officials said they expect it to expand to all eight of the district’s schools this week.

The action aims to pressure district officials to resume contract negotiations that have been stalled for some months. Teachers are seeking pay increases and guarantees that they will not have to shoulder any future increases in health benefit costs.

Assistant Supt. Ron Brown assailed the action as one “that should be kept out of the classroom . . . in a way that does not impact the children.”


Two years ago, a similar boycott preceded a one-day districtwide strike. Union officials have said they have not ruled out the possibility of a walkout, while district administrators said they have begun recruiting extra substitute teachers.
