
Simon Is Trapped, Too

Roger Simon’s article on the Elizabeth Morgan case (“Tumultuous Love-Hate Affair Traps a Little Girl in the Middle,” March 4) smacks of contempt for Morgan, presumably for being wealthy and having “many rich and powerful friends.” Simon doesn’t like the fact that Morgan held herself above the law and got extensive media coverage for it. He trivializes her reaction to the court order, equating her with Ollie North and suggesting it didn’t “please her.”

A mother’s bond with her child can be the strongest thing on Earth, and the urge to protect can cause a mother to do drastic things, as evidenced by Morgan’s 25 months in prison. How dare a man criticize her actions, implying she did it for a weak reason--perhaps for publicity or revenge? Does he really think someone would spend more than two years in prison for those reasons? Has Simon ever spent 25 hours in prison?

I suppose (he thinks) it would have been better for her to comply with the court order and run the risk of having her daughter sexually molested, or if she was going to do something so dramatic as go to jail, at least have the good sense to be poor and not well-connected.


