
Judges’ Human Side

Re: Meet Your Judges Week. Your article “Judges Show Human Side to Public” (March 7), extolling Meet the Judges Week, also reported that only about 100 people showed up to meet 17 judges.

Apparently the low turnout was disappointing. What did they expect when the judges’ association did such a poor job publicizing the meeting?

Of course, the better way for judges to show their “human side” to the public is to be fair from the bench and to crack down hard on any one of their number who fails in his duty to rule fairly, and violates or denies a citizen’s lawful rights. All it takes is for one member to show arrogance, and it can tarnish the image as a whole for hard-working and sincere judges.


The Times is also to blame for its poor coverage of legal matters concerning the public. If The Times would devote a fraction of its pulp to civil rights, as it does to the slam-dunk details of a high school basketball game, it would be serving the public better.


Los Alamitos
