
City Might Tone Down Color Code

I can’t believe it (the two-toned Dana Point Inn)! I worked so hard for cityhood, and now I have somebody telling me what colors I have to like!

Poor Dana Point Inn! When I first saw the new paint job, I thought, “Hooray! That dreadful drab, ugly grayish-blue is going to become an upbeat, soft, Mediterranean peach” . . . which reminds me of Capri and southern France. How nice!

But not so! Who are these people we hired who orchestrate every nuance of our lives? Hey guys . . . power going to your collective heads? Next thing they’ll be painting the Ritz-Carlton grayish blue!


Think a minute. . . . We are not a whale-killing, blubber-processing New England seacoast village. Like it or not--and I like it--our heritage is Spanish. It suits our climate, our building resources (adobe), and it also makes sense ecologically.


Dana Point
