
Malathion Spraying for the Pesky Medfly

The debate on the use of indiscriminate spraying of malathion in order to control the Medfly has been limited to arguments concerning economic considerations and the health of the human population. One of the most important considerations has been neglected.

Malathion is not specific against the Medfly. It will kill any and all insects which come in contact with it. This includes the beneficial insects such as bees and ladybird beetles. In addition, birds, amphibians, reptiles and small mammals will be vulnerable to its effects.

My apricot tree, which is now in bloom as it has been many years at this time, will probably bear no fruit this year. It has, as yet, been visited by not a single bee. Is Southern California destined to be the first region of the earth to usher in the “Silent Spring”?



