
Abortion Controversy

Willke has taken yet another tactic in his rhetorical attack on abortion. This time he hopes to appeal to modern America’s repulsion toward slavery.

I only wish the pro-lifers would consider the fact that life does not end at birth. It is becoming increasingly clear that the unborn has become their God and object of worship beyond reason. They use terms like “killing” and “murder” when describing the medical procedure. Imagine someone protesting in front of a McDonald’s over the “murder” of the animals that make up the menu. Since The Times gave space to such abuse of the language, let me give you a few other definitions of murder:

“Murder” is a baby being shot by an AK-47 in a drive-by shooting because the self-esteem of modern youth has been shattered by hard-headed and unreasonable government policies instituted in the name of “morality.”


“Murder” is the countless bodies of animals washed ashore covered with oil because we try to keep up with the demand of an already overpopulated, yet spoiled culture that demands only the finest things in life without regard for future generations.

“Murder” is what will happen when a billion Chinese finally have refrigerators and air conditioners; the result is the destruction of an already fragile ozone layer.

“Murder” is the death of spirituality when people in our overpopulated world find they no longer have the luxury of debating “moral” issues behind clipped lawns.


Thrusting life upon the unwanted seems like cruel and unusual punishment; but then, self-righteous people have delighted in doling out both forms in great measure since the beginning of mankind.


