
THE SIDELINES : Ring Maker Commits Error

From Times Wire Services

Last year’s Little League champions have received their championship rings. Only they bear the wrong inscription.

The gold-and-green rings say Stonewall instead of Trumbull. They have been sent back to the manufacturer in Austin, Tex., and a corrected batch is due for delivery March 1.

“They made a mistake on the rings. That’s all,” said Tom Galla, whose Trumbull Little League All-Stars defeated a team from Taiwan to win the championship last August in Williamsport, Pa.


He said the rings were ordered last November as a gift by Connecticut National Bank and Hochberg Jewelers of Trumbull.

“We received them at the store, saw they were wrong and sent them back,” said David Hochberg, co-owner of the jewelry store.

A spokesman for the manufacturer, Artcarved, did not know how the error occurred. There is no Stonewall in Connecticut.
