
Dahl’s Classic ‘Chocolate Factory’ at the Pantages


The Pantages Theatre in Hollywood is playing host to Oompah-Loompahs, Everlasting Gobstoppers and wall-to-wall children.

It’s all due to Wisconsin’s Great American Children’s Theatre, making a stop on the tour of its staged version of Roald Dahl’s classic children’s novel, “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.”

Professionalism is the hallmark of this 15-year-old children’s theater company, and this production is no exception. The staging is smooth, the performances polished and the telling of Dahl’s story of magical Willy Wonka and a poor boy whose dreams come true is respectfully straightforward.


That’s exactly what the company’s production of “Charlotte’s Web” was last year when it toured the Southland.

If a bit of flair, a dash of originality is missing from Leslie Reidel’s careful direction, the young audience seems not to mind. At the opening performance, cheers greeted Charlie’s discovery of the golden ticket that was to take him on Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory Tour.

When naughty children in the play got their comeuppance, audience glee was unreserved and painted backdrops and colored lights were exclaimed over. (Allen H. Jones did the set design, Spencer Mosse the lights and Gene Davis Buck the costumes.)


R. Kessel plays lucky Charlie Bucket with the right amount of spunk. (The “R” didn’t fool several astute observers: “It’s a girl,” was heard throughout the theater.) The rest of the cast, some in duo roles, are colorful enough.

Jon Welstead’s bland score is the weakest component. While the show is not a musical, its musical punctuation needs more life.

At 6233 Hollywood Blvd. today through Friday; also Feb. 12-15 ; 9:45 and 11:45 a.m. (except Feb. 12, 11:45 a.m. only), tickets, $4.50-$8.50. (213) 871-2002, (213) 410-1062 or (800) 852-9772).


Also at San Diego’s Symphony Hall, Feb. 7-9, 9:45 and 11:45 a.m. Tickets: $4.50-$8.50; (800) 871-2002.
