
Make Time to Spend With Elderly, Who Devoted Time to Us

There is an issue I would like to address and it pertains to our elders. What is wrong, have we forgotten them in the shuffle? Are you in such a hurry that you can’t ask the lady/gentleman that is obviously struggling with their belongings if they need some assistance?

Have you ever frequented a nursing home and perhaps visited one of the patients you didn’t know, only to find that you and the nursing staff are the only visitors that person gets, except at that guilty time of the year called Christmas?

More care and time should be devoted to these people because they devote their time raising, nurturing us and shaping us into what we are today. Also look at it this way, think of how difficult it is going to be when you wake up and realize that you are solely dependent on people who are ashamed of you because you have a slower pace and more ailments than they do.



