
1990s: The Golden Decade : REFLECTIONS : ‘The people care about seniors.’

Hao-Chang Wong, 73, and Kwang-Yu Wong, 72

Retired Arcadia residents, married for 51 years.

Came from Taiwan in 1983

(Through a translator)

Hao-Chang Wong:

“We came here because our son was studying in a university here. Now we have two sons here, and one went back to Taiwan to live.

“In the beginning, we had language problems at first. Then it was difficult for us to find transportation. . . . In Taiwan, every bus stop listed the destination. It’s easier.

“Here there are only numbers on the buses, so it’s difficult for us to recognize the routes. . . . But, after a few years, we learned the bus routes.”


“The U.S. is very concerned about the senior citizens. I enjoy it. For example, there are senior centers and senior citizen advantages.”

Kwang-Yu Wong:

“In this country, all the people care about the seniors. For example, when I have to catch the bus, the bus driver drives very carefully, and when he stops, he tries to match the curb with the bus step.

“We feel security here.

“Our son, who is in Taipei, told us that whenever we don’t feel comfortable we can move back. But now, I feel quite adjusted to this environment, and I don’t want to go back to Taiwan.”


“Our granddaughters speak both English and Mandarin. They go to Saturday Chinese school so they can learn about their roots. They do not deny their culture. They accept it.”
