
Costas Sick, but Enberg Does It All

NBC’s Dick Enberg was pressed into double duty Sunday when Bob Costas came down with a severe case of the flu.

Costas was so sick Sunday morning that he checked himself into a Denver hospital. Enberg, besides calling the game, also had to take Costas’ place on the pregame and postgame shows.

Then Ralph Wiley, who was scheduled to conduct postgame interviews in the Cleveland locker room, was stricken with the flu during the game.


Jim Donovan, who does play-by-play for NBC on a part-time basis and works for the NBC affiliate in Cleveland, filled in for Wiley.

Donovan fared better than O.J. Simpson, who could not remember Denver running back Sammy Winder’s name during a postgame interview with quarterback John Elway.

“Talk us through this touchdown pass to James Wa, Wa . . . Winder,” Simpson said.

“Who’s it to?” Elway said.

During his interview of Michael Young, Simpson congratulated the former Bruin and Ram on his 60-yard touchdown reception. It was 70 yards.
