
Bloomingdale’s Staff Hears News With Shock, Confidence

As Bloomingdale’s staff prepared to open shop this morning, Chairman Marvin Traub’s somber voice suddenly echoed over the loudspeaker, announcing that the parent company of their beloved Bloomie’s had filed for bankruptcy protection.

“He said this wasn’t the beginning of the end and not to worry. But everyone just stood there. One woman said she felt like World War II had just been announced,” said one employee who sells ties in the century-old mid-town department store.

But most staff said New York’s glitziest store is too special to fall victim to unpaid bills.


“Bloomingdale’s will always be here. New Yorkers will not let it go out of business. This store is a landmark,” one saleswoman in accessories said.

A customer agreed, saying: “It’s special, uniquely New York. This store is a flagship. Take a look at who comes here to shop--it’s the people who set the style in New York.’
