
Adult Video Store Owner Fined, Told to Close Shop

From a Times Staff Writer

The owner of a Hollywood adult video store has been ordered to pay $2,300 in fines and penalties and cease operations by May 8 for violating Los Angeles city zoning laws that regulate pornography shops, according to City Atty. James K. Hahn.

The owner of Hollywood Video, Buzin Enterprises Inc., received the sentence Monday after pleading no contest to four violations of the city Municipal Code, according to Deputy City Atty. Michael Guarino. He said the shop violated ordinances that prohibit adult businesses from being within 500 feet of a residential area or 1,000 feet of another adult business.

“It is clear to us in the city attorney’s office that the concentration of these (adult) businesses is negatively affecting property values,” said Guarino, who is handling the case.


Los Angeles Municipal Court Commissioner Barry Kohn ordered the company, which Guarino said is owned by Los Angeles resident Laurence Buzin, to report back to his courtroom May 8 to show proof of compliance with the shutdown order.

Buzin and his lawyers could not be reached for comment.

Hollywood Video, at 1651 N. Cahuenga Blvd., deals in pornographic books, magazines and videos, and was the scene of 27 lewd-conduct arrests by undercover vice officers between April 2 and July 10, 1989, Guarino said.
