
Two benefit performances sponsored by Al Kooper,...

Two benefit performances sponsored by Al Kooper, Leslie Leaney, Patrick Hasburgh, Frazier Smith and Keith Robertson were held at the Roxy Theatre on Dec. 5 to benefit the Forte Foundation. The $3,100 raised will be used for counseling for abused children and troubled families. The foundation also provides speakers free to community organizations, to discuss the effects of child abuse within the family.

* At the annual Board of Trustees meeting of the Hollywood Canteen Foundation held Dec. 6, president Lew Wasserman announced an allocation of $141,000, to be divided among 29 veterans’ community services, hospitals, educational, health care and research facilities in Southern California. The Jules and Doris Stein Foundation more than matched that amount, raising the total amount donated to $291,000.

* The National Society of Fund Raising Executives held its first fund-raising day breakfast forum for members of nonprofit boards and fund-raising executives on Jan. 8. A net of $18,000 was raised and will be used for scholarships and to provide additional educational conferences and seminars locally and nationally.


* The San Fernando Valley Region of the Jewish Federation Council of Greater Los Angeles raised $1.8 million for humanitarian and social services at the United Jewish Fund Major Gifts Gala held Jan. 7 at the Bernard Milken Jewish Community Campus in West Hills. Event chairman was Louis Weider.
