
LOCAL : Fog Cancels 1 Flight, Others Rerouted From Wayne Airport

<i> From Times staff and wire service reports</i>

Persistent dense fog continued to hamper operations at John Wayne Airport this morning, causing the cancellation of one flight and the rerouting of several others after the airport was shut down at 6:45 p.m. last night because of poor visibility.

Northwest Airlines Flight 112 scheduled to depart at 6:50 a.m. today for Minneapolis was canceled, according to an airline spokesperson. Passengers were taken to Los Angeles International for a substitute flight, the spokesman said.

Ticket agents and John Wayne Airport officials reported at least three other flight interruptions today. A number of flights were delayed last night, according to airport officials.


One incoming American Airlines flight from Oakland was diverted today and its passengers bused into Orange County, said Gail McKinzie, assistant manager for airport information at John Wayne.

Delta Airlines officials reported that one flight from Tampa, Fla., had to land in San Diego this morning.

Two Northwest Airlines flights--one from Seattle and the other from Minnesota--had to be rerouted to airports in San Diego and Los Angeles.


Joe Fowler, manager of the tower at John Wayne, said visibility “went below flight minimums for arrivals and departures.”

An airport official said he expected the fog to lessen this afternoon and Friday. He said flight operations will continue to be “hairy” and noted that rain predicted for Friday should help dissipate the fog.
