
ORANGE : Department Veteran Named Police Chief

Michael D. Parker, a 26-year veteran of the Orange Police Department, was selected Tuesday to succeed Chief Wayne Streed, who retired Dec. 28.

Parker has spent his entire career in Orange, joining the department in 1963 as a patrol officer. He gradually rose through the ranks, and held the rank of captain at the time he was named chief.

The appointment was effective immediately.

Sgt. Art Romo, Police Department spokesman, said Parker’s selection by the City Council “did not come as a surprise.” He said Parker is well respected within the department of 143 sworn officers.


“He was a popular choice,” Romo said. “He knows the city, he knows the department and can step into the position at a full run without missing a beat.”

Parker received a bachelor of science degree in police administration from Cal State Los Angeles in 1972.
