
Construction Moratorium Approved

The Hawthorne City Council has unanimously approved a moratorium on all apartment construction projects with three or more units but rejected a similar moratorium on condominiums.

The 45-day moratorium, which took effect Monday when it was approved, is intended to give the city time to draft new construction standards to decrease density and increase parking and open space. City officials said they are not certain how long it will take to approve such standards.

The moratorium applies to all projects presently being reviewed by the city Planning Department. Mayor Betty J. Ainsworth said the moratorium was prompted by residents’ complaints about the increasing density in apartment construction projects throughout the city.


The council rejected a moratorium on the construction of three or more condominium units on one lot, deciding instead to allow condominium construction to continue while the staff drafts similar new building standards for condominiums. Proposals will be discussed at the council’s next meeting Jan. 22.

During Monday’s meeting, four developers spoke out against the proposed emergency moratorium on condominiums. They said they have invested thousands of dollars on projects that are being considered by the city and would face substantial financial losses under a moratorium.
