

Clipboard researched by Janice L. Jones / Los Angeles Times; Graphics by Russ Arasmith and Doris Shields / Los Angeles Times

Install good exterior lighting. an inexpensive timer of photo-electric cell will automatically turn the lights on at dusk and off at dawn. Others will come on when anything in their range moves.

On double hung sash windows drill downward angled holes on both top corners of the bottom window, reaching through the bottom corner of the top window and insert an eye bolt or nail to prevent easy opening.

all exterior doors should be of solid-core construction and have a deadbolt auxiliary lock. Doorknob locks offer next to no security. Deadbolt locks should have at least a one-inch throw. The bolt should have a case-hardened steel roller in the center: case trim should be of solid brass, bronze or steel. Connecting rods between the inside and outside of the lock should be at least 1/4-inch in diameter.


Trim shrubs so as to provide a view from any window and deny a burglar a hiding place.

To help police find your house after a call, make sure the house numbers are displayed on a high-contrast background. Illuminate numbers and keep them lit all night. Add house number to the rear section of your roof, in a contrasting color, so that a police helicopter can find it easier.

Make sure limbs around any second-story window are pruned so they do not provide easy access.

In situations where you must use a padlock, do not economize on a cheap lock. Get a lock that meets the following minimum standards: (1) hardened steel, 9/32-inch shackle (heavier shackles offer more security and stainless steel shackles are the ultimate in lock security); (2) double locking mechanism (both heel and toe), and (3) five-pin tumbler. Whenever possible, use a lock with a key-retaining feature, as this prevents removing the key until the lock is locked. Hasps should be of hardened steel an installed with carriage bolts through the door, gate, etc. Make sure to use large washers on the inside.


Note: The home-security information detailed here should in no way be construes as complete thee are many other steps that can and should be taken to prevent home break-ins. Check with your local police or the county sheriff’s crime prevention unit for more ideas.
