
Illegal Signs

I felt I was sinking into a quiet, sedative landscape when I read your article on the new enforcement of posting bills (Metro, Jan. 2). Horror crept over me. As years go by, I will be condemned to the same, bland streets day after day, decade after decade, millennium after millennium. Can we, at least, allow these flyers and signs to be posted on four-lane boulevards or those with more than four lanes? I like them.

I can understand a ban on posting on residential streets. And the accumulation of staples can become an eyesore. Perhaps, instead of a complete ban, an ordinance requiring smaller gauge staples (even desktop-gauge staples will work on telephone poles) and limiting the size of the posters should be passed to supersede the complete ban now threatening to remove more interest which is already scarce.

I think those posters serve more needs than we consciously realize. It is a cheap way to maintain some of the items in our Bill of Rights. It fosters new businesses. It helps musicians, entertainers, actors, actresses, promoters, and building-owners make ends meet. It helps charities in these dire times. Plus, I like wondering what new sign is going to be up as I drive to work.



Redondo Beach
