
Northeast Residents Begin to Revise Old Community Plan


A group of 20 Northeast Los Angeles residents, representing disparate and often competing interests and neighborhoods, met Tuesday to begin a three-year process that may overhaul an outdated community plan.

Northeast Los Angeles is the second of 35 districts to form a citizens planning committee and begin revising its community plan, which was drafted in the 1970s. Under a program initiated in 1987 by the Los Angeles City Council, all of the areas will have such committees established within five years.

The Northeast Community Advisory Committee includes developers, landlords, lawyers, environmentalists, businessmen, artists, scholars and homeowners, most of whom have experience in community planning. All were appointed by Los Angeles City Council members.


The committee will spend a year and a half considering revisions. It will take another year and a half of public hearings and official review before the committee’s recommendations reach the City Council for a vote.

The area--encompassing Atwater Village, Cypress Park, Eagle Rock, El Sereno, Glassell Park, Highland Park, Lincoln Heights and Mt. Washington--is the third most populous of the 35 districts.
