
Alhambra : Hiking Course Offered

Techniques of safe hiking in mountain and desert wilderness environments in all seasons will be taught by the Sierra Club beginning Jan. 25.

The annual 10-week Wilderness Travel Course will meet 7:30 to 10 p.m. Thursdays at Marguerita Elementary School, 1603 Marguerita Ave., Alhambra. Instruction will cover navigation with map and compass, equipment selection, mountain safety and rescue, travel over rock and snow, winter camping, mountaineering medicine, wilderness ethics, food planning and physical conditioning. Four weekend field trips are scheduled.

The minimum age limit is 14; students younger than 18 must co-register with a parent or guardian.


The registration fee is $105 for Sierra Club members and $115 for non-members, plus $15 for a supplementary textbook. Brochures with application forms are available at many sporting goods stores or may be requested by sending a large, self-addressed, stamped envelope to the Sierra Club Registrar, P.O. Box 70438, Pasadena, Calif., 91107.
