
There’s a Gentle Art to Folding Beaten Egg Whites or Whipped Cream


Even many experienced cooks are not adept at the technique of folding beaten egg whites or whipped cream into a heavier mixture. It takes gentle manipulation to blend the two while retaining maximum volume of the lighter mixture.

A rubber spatula is well suited for the folding technique, but a narrow metal spatula or wire whisk may also be used. The key is to choose an implement that allows you to efficiently bring up ingredients from the bottom of the mixing bowl and spread them over the upper surface.

Since mixtures of similar consistency fold together more readily, begin by stirring one-quarter to one-third of the beaten whites or whipped cream into the heavier mixture (Step 1). This lightens the base and makes it easier to blend in the remaining whites or cream.


Place the rest of the whites or cream on top of the heavier mixture. Using a down-up-and-over motion, cut down through the center (Step 2), then turn the flat side of the spatula toward you, scrape across the bottom of the bowl and lift the heavier portion up the side and over the top (Step 3).

Give the bowl a quarter turn after each folding motion. Occasionally bring the heavier portion up through the middle to facilitate uniform blending (Step 4). Working quickly, continue until few if any streaks remain.
