
Republicans and Abortion

Gov. George Deukmejian must not be talking to Republicans in Orange County if he thinks voters won’t respect public officials who change from an anti-choice position to a pro-choice position (Part A, Dec. 17).

As a Republican member of Pro-Choice Orange County, a new political action committee dedicated to protecting a woman’s right to choose, I talk with Republicans regularly and the sentiment is overwhelmingly pro-choice. I find that a great deal of respect is accorded politicians who are able to recognize that it is possible to hold to one’s own values without imposing those values on others.

The GOP historically supports the right of individuals to run their lives with a minimum of governmental interference. That right should certainly include a woman’s freedom to choose whether or not to have a child. The sooner legislators understand this, the sooner we can go back to making a determination of candidates based on more than one issue.



Newport Beach
