
1990 Orange County. Challenge For The 1990s : Community leaders were asked what will be the single biggest challenge facing Orange County in the next decade and their top five issues.

“Finding Solutions The biggest challenge in the ‘90s is clearly how we as a society are going to build a team and focus our energy on solving a wide array of social and infrastructure problems, in an environment of increasing regulation and complexity, with a fragmented and ever more diverse mix of people, with little feeling of ownership and little concern of the outcome other than how it might impact on oneself, with little leadership from the media or from other traditional groups,during a period of a diminishing standard of living

PEER SWAN, President, Irvine Ranch Water District; Treasurer, Pacific Scientific Co.

Top 5 Issues: Care and preservation of our environment. Controlling drugs and gangs and related crime. Pro-choice versus anti-abortion. Upgrading education. Financing and providing basic infrastructure.
