
SEAL BEACH : Elderly Pair Found Dead Are Identified

Compiled from staff and wire reports

A couple found shot to death inside their Leisure World apartment this holiday weekend have been identified as Robert L. Davis, 80, and his wife, Ruby M. Davis, 72, police said Sunday. Security guards at the retirement complex discovered the couple about 9:15 a.m. Saturday in their bed while investigating a suspicious circumstances report. They entered the Davises’ home in the 13000 block of Fairfield Lane through a window when no one answered their knock at the front door. Police said Sunday that the Davises were both shot with a .38-caliber pistol in what they described as an apparent murder-suicide. There were no signs of a struggle or that others were involved. According to police, it was unclear who pulled the trigger or whether the couple had entered a murder-suicide pact. No note was left. The Davises talked to their daughter shortly before their deaths, but, authorities said, they do not know the details of that telephone conversation. Neighbors described the Davises as a quiet couple who did not socialize much with other Leisure World residents. They moved to the complex about 1 1/2 years ago.
