
AROUND HOME : NEW BOOKS : The Textile Design Book, BY KARIN JERSTORP AND EVA KOHLMARK, (Lark Books / A & C Black; 1988)

ALTHOUGH THIS BOOK first appeared in Swedish, it has lost nothing in translation--possibly because the graphics are universally appealing.

As the authors note, they set out to provide inspiration for all kinds of fiber projects by showing readers how to notice stripes in nature and then translate them into fabric, or how to look at something as mundane as a sandwich and see pattern and shape.

Every few pages there is a little exercise: Paint a plaid square to coordinate with your china pattern; draw cauliflowers using different media; simplify a drawing or painting by transferring it to a black-paper outline; design with tissue paper or pipe cleaners, stenciling or potato printing.


Plus, there are 40 pages of color studies, all with glorious and intriguing illustrations and photographs.

This book made me sigh with regret that I’d majored in English. (Hardcover $22.95.)
