
Driver Arrested After Cyclist Killed

A 55-year-old Garden Grove man was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving after his pickup truck collided head-on with a motorcycle, fatally injuring the 20-year-old rider, Garden Grove Police Lt. John Woods said.

Robert W. Burford died Saturday at Fountain Valley Regional Hospital and Medical Center. Police said Burford was traveling on Century Boulevard toward McKeen Street about 10:30 p.m. Friday without his headlight on when Albert C. Salaeps, traveling in the opposite direction, turned left and hit Burford.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Dec. 18, 1989 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Monday December 18, 1989 Orange County Edition Metro Part B Page 2 Column 4 Metro Desk 2 inches; 48 words Type of Material: Correction
Motorcycle Crash--Because of incorrect information supplied by Garden Grove police, The Times mistakenly reported Sunday that Robert W. Burford, 20, died in a motorcycle accident over the weekend. He is listed in serious but stable condition at Fountain Valley Regional Hospital and Medical Center with broken legs and a lacerated liver.
