
RACE FOR D.A.: Ever since District Attorney...

RACE FOR D.A.: Ever since District Attorney Cecil Hicks announced he wouldn’t seek reelection next year, courthouse observers have been relishing the prospect of a battle between his top two lieutenants, Michael R. Capizzi and Richard G. Enright. . . . Capizzi has declared his candidacy but a Capizzi-Enright contest looks less likely now with the expected announcement today by Edgar A. Freeman, a longtime supervisor in the same office, that he also will run. Insiders say Freeman wouldn’t be entering the race if he thought Enright was going to. . . . Also a candidate: veteran prosecutor Thomas Avdeef (B4).

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Dec. 8, 1989 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Friday December 8, 1989 Orange County Edition Metro Part B Page 4 Column 4 Metro Desk 1 inches; 31 words Type of Material: Correction
Deputy district attorney--Because of an editing error, James G. Enright, chief deputy in the district attorney’s office, was incorrectly identified in Thursday’s edition of The Times Orange County as Richard G. Enright.
