
Shaping Yeast Dough Is an Essential Step for That Perfect Loaf of Bread


Previous columns have explained how to prepare, knead and proof basic yeast dough. The next step is to shape the dough into loaves.

After punching down, place the dough on a lightly floured work surface, cover with a towel and allow it to rest about 10 minutes. Meanwhile, grease the baking pan.

All-purpose loaf pans may be used for bread baking, however the material from which they’re made affects the bread’s crust. For a good brown color, select anodized aluminum or darkened metal that absorb heat.


Roll the dough into a 9x7-inch rectangle (Step 1). Beginning at the narrow end, fold the bottom third up over the center third of the oblong (Step 2). Turn the dough and fold the remaining one-third over (Step 3), pinching the dough together along the seam and at the ends.

Using stiffened hands, compress the ends of the dough and fold them over (Step 4). Turn the dough and place, seam side down, in the prepared pan. Cover and let rise in a warm (75 degrees to 85 degrees), draft-free place, until once again doubled.

A final column on bread baking will be devoted to alternate methods of shaping the dough and baking.
