
Concern Over Japanese Investment Is Justified

I was particularly pleased to see James Flanigan’s column on Oct. 11 (“U.S.-Bashing Book by Sony’s Chief Costs Him Credibility”).

We are continuously besieged with misinformation and disinformation from Japanese lobbyists and paid supporters telling us that the dismantling of our economy is great. We are also told that we make too much of our concern of Japanese investment.

Perhaps the most important person is Akio Morita, who has played a game with America and disguised his true feelings until now. His U.S.-bashing is typical of the Japanese strategy. Remember, before Pearl Harbor, how they reassured us of their peaceful intent?


The acquisition of Columbia Pictures and CBS Records may now seem a little more dangerous than first thought.

As to racism, this charge by the Japanese is the most flagrant nonsense of all. If you wish to see racism at its best, try to live in Japan and enter their society.


