
Gang Violence

I find it troubling when writers such as Frank del Olmo can write columns (Sept. 25) about areas or towns about which he has little if any personal knowledge.

Perhaps del Olmo has never been in Garden Grove except to “drive through.” Quoting from his column--”it’s clear as the graffiti on the walls all over towns like Santa Ana and Garden Grove.” I am sure that if he were to visit Garden Grove, he would see little, if any, graffiti on the walls and certainly not all over town.

To say that Garden Grove is not trying to diminish gang violence is not true. I know that Garden Grove has been involved in objective programs relative to gang violence. For example, Garden Grove started Turning Point, which includes a section for gangs. It perhaps can use more funding from the private sector, and by the way, I don’t believe I heard that they recently received a check from the Los Angeles Times to help work with Orange County gangs.


I think that you will find that the city of Garden Grove has been doing things in the “gang world” longer than the recent interest by the editor because of “a news item.” And we will be there after the paper is in the bird cage and this one episode of gang violence is forgotten.

Please, Los Angeles Times, don’t be part of the problem by not knowing and not caring. Superficial knowledge published is dangerous and can do more harm than the gangs.


City Councilman,

City of Garden Grove
