
San Diego

A University City letter carrier who was bitten by a dog Tuesday may need to undergo rabies treatment if the animal is not found by Friday, a San Diego postal spokesman said. Kelly Rudow, who was bitten about 4:20 p.m. while delivering mail in the 2600 block of Curie Street, said she had not seen the dog in the neighborhood before, according to spokesman Mike Cannone.

Unless the dog--described as a medium-sized poodle or poodle mix with long black curly hair, a large white patch on its head and a pointed muzzle--is found within 10 days, Rudow must have the painful treatment, Cannone said. Last year, 91 dog bites resulting in injuries were reported by San Diego County letter carriers, down from 117 incidents the year before, Cannone said.

Anyone with information on the dog can call 453-5344.
