
Pigging Out on Scrapple

Re: “Scrapple--The Way To a Philadelphian’s Heart,” Sept. 24, by Charles Hillinger.

Excuse me, Mr. Hillinger, but “scrapple” is much more prominent than you think and goes farther than just Pennsylvania.

I’m from Ottawa (pop. 5,000) in northwest Ohio, and all through my childhood I ate scrapple with apple butter on it for breakfast before school. However, we didn’t call it scrapple. It actually has various names--”liver pudding,” “pan pudding” and, in a German influence, “pan hausen.

However, you are right, Mr. Hillinger: You can’t get the delicacy out in Los Angeles unless you know someone that can ship it. By the way, do you know someone - my apple butter awaits in the refrigerator!

CAROL S. OSTERHAGE, Manhattan Beach
