
Assailed by Prosecutor, Gabor Flees

From Associated Press

Zsa Zsa Gabor stomped out of her Beverly Hills cop-slapping trial in tears today as a prosecutor told jurors that the flamboyant actress viewed the courtroom as a stage where “she came to entertain you.”

Deputy Dist. Atty. Elden Fox used a 70-minute closing argument to both shore up his misdemeanor criminal case against Gabor and attack her for what he called disruptive and attention-grabbing actions during 13 days of trial.

“The thing that outrages me most is she used and abused two weeks of this process for her own aggrandizement,” Fox said. “The defendant doesn’t know the meaning of truth. . . . Her perception of truth differs from facts in the case.”


Fox said jurors had a unique opportunity to see Gabor “in an arena that doesn’t have scripts or cue cards.”

“She came to entertain you. . . . She craves the media attention in this case, it is clear,” Fox said angrily.

Gabor then broke down in tears and fled the courtroom, her fourth such exit from the trial, which has cost taxpayers nearly $30,000.


“I want to get out of here. I want to go to Europe,” the tearful Gabor said in the hallway.

Her exit came five minutes into Fox’s final argument, and the prosecutor continued his address to jurors.

“The world revolves around Miss Gabor (in her mind). What she doesn’t like she denies. . . . The truth is what’s convenient for the defendant. . . . I think her true persona has emerged in the course of this trial,” he said.


“The defendant in this case insults you,” he added.

This morning, Gabor arrived at court 15 minutes early and told reporters she was “dressed for jail” in a black pantsuit outfit.

She also showed off her “horse’s behind” cuff links she plans on presenting in coming weeks to a TV news commentator who railed against her.

“The policeman, he has a temper, but so do I,” the fiery Hungarian said.

Beverly Hills Police Officer Paul Kramer pulled Gabor over after noticing expired registration tags on her Rolls-Royce Corniche. As he checked for other violations, she drove off.

Gabor slapped him when he pulled her over a second time. He said the attack was unprovoked, but she said she reacted in self-defense when he forcibly removed her from her car.
