
Santa Ana : Gang Prevention Project Plans a Youth March

Project PRIDE, a gang prevention program sponsored by the city of Santa Ana Recreation and Community Services Agency has planned A Stride for PRIDE march for Sept. 30. The march will begin in front of City Hall at 10 a.m. and continue around the Civic Center area. A rally featuring entertainment will conclude the event.

The PRIDE march--PRIDE stands for Parks and Recreation Inspires Dignity and Esteem--is co-sponsored by Comcast Cablevison and the Drug Use Is Life Abuse Foundation. The participants will be groups representing elementary schools youth organizations such as the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and others. Each group will identify itself with banners made by members.

The two groups that best illustrate the theme, “Santa Ana has PRIDE,” will be given awards.


Scheduled to appear during the rally are officers from the Santa Ana Police Department, McGruff the anti-crime dog, a children’s dance group from Madison Elementary School and a martial arts group from the Sheriff’s Department.
