
Crash Witness Bemoans Verdict

Five years ago I witnessed a fatal motorcycle accident which finally came to trial in July of this year. The trial was covered by numerous news sources, including the Los Angeles Times. The plaintiffs were family members of a 19-year-old motorcyclist who died in the collision. The defendants were the driver of a pickup truck, who happened to be an off-duty Torrance police officer, eight other police officers and the city of Torrance.

I was stunned when I read the headlines, “Family Wins Police Lawsuit.” The trial was rather complicated but I witnessed the accident. I saw the motorcycle hit the truck, I know what happened. I tried to convey this to the jury the best I could.

Our judicial system is afoul. It is not right when an attorney can convince 12 supposedly intelligent people of a misrepresentation of the facts.


I saw the accident. I don’t mean to sound cold; it’s a tragedy that a young man lost his life. The collision would not have occurred if the motorcyclist had not been speeding.

Regarding the question of a police cover-up, everything in the police report concerning me is accurate.

So, as I see it, one night a motorcyclist goes out, gets in a wreck and dies. His brother is an attorney. Circumstances allow for the possibility of a lawsuit, a big lawsuit, $5 million.


I’ll say it again: I was there, I saw the accident. Neither the attorneys nor the family members witnessed the accident. There would not have been a collision if the motorcyclist was not speeding.

Prior to this I have never written a letter to the editor of any newspaper. I do not know any of the individuals involved in the case. I am writing this letter now because I am so upset at the outcome of the trial. In my opinion there is no justice.


