

Clipboard researched by Dallas M. Jackson and Rick VanderKnyff / Los Angeles Times, Graphics by Doris Shields / Los Angeles Times

Industry group April, ’88 April, ’89 % Change Agriculture, forestry and fisheries 10,900 10,800 -0.9 Non-agricultural (total) 1,126,400 1,150,100 2.1 Mining 1,300 1,300 0.0 Contract construction 65,500 67,000 2.3 Manufacturing (total) 255,800 257,600 0.7 Non-durable goods (total) 66,900 69,800 -0.1 Food and kindred products 9,500 10,000 5.3 Textile mill products 3,100 3,500 12.9 Apparel and other textile products 4,700 5,100 8.5 Paper and other allied products 4,300 4,100 -2.3 Printing and publishing 17,800 18,200 2.2 Chemical and allied products 8,500 8,900 4.7 Petroleum and coal products 1,900 2,000 5.3 Rubber and plastic products 16,800 17,700 5.4 Leather and leather products 300 300 0.0 Durable goods (total) 188,900 187,800 -0.6 Lumber and wood products 5,300 4,900 -7.5 Furniture and fixtures 8,000 8,800 10.0 Stone, clay and glass products 3,700 4,400 18.9 Primary metal industries 2,500 2,400 -4.0 Fabricated metal products 22,700 21,700 -4.4 Machinery, except electrical 30,200 31,000 2.6 Electrical and electronic machines 63,500 61,200 -3.6 Transportation equipment 31,000 31,300 1.0 Instruments and related products 17,100 17,200 0.6 Miscellaneous manufacturing 4,900 4,900 0.0 Transportation and public utilities 33,900 34,200 0.9 Wholesale trade 68,600 75,500 10.1 Retail trade 207,000 210,600 1.7 Finance, insurance and real estate 92,700 90,900 -1.9 Services 281,000 289,000 2.8 Government (total)* 120,600 124,000 2.8 Federal 15,700 16,300 3.8 State and local, including education 104,900 107,700 2.7 TOTAL (all industries) 1,137,300 1,160,900 2.1

Employment is reported by place of work and excludes self-employed, unpaid family workers and workers involved in labor disputes. Totals may not add up due to independent rounding.

* Includes all civilian government employees regardless of activity in which engaged.

Source: California Employment Development Department.
