
Fountain Valley : 2 Escape Blaze Caused by Old Extension Cord

The 18-year-old daughter of Fountain Valley homeowners and a friend safely escaped a fire in her house started by a faulty electrical cord Wednesday afternoon.

The blaze at 18512 Redwood Circle began a few minutes before 2:30 p.m. in a bedroom and traveled into a hallway and other rooms in the house, Battalion Chief Paul Summers said. An arc from the old extension cord ignited bedclothes, he said.

The daughter called 911, grabbed pets and fled, Summers said. He did not identify the homeowners or those who escaped the fire.


The fire caused about $105,000 in damage, he said.

A spokeswoman for the American Red Cross said the family of five living at the house has been put up in a hotel and provided two sets of clothes and vouchers for meals.

Eighteen firefighters from Fountain Valley and Huntington Beach departments fought the blaze, which was controlled in 12 minutes, Summers said.
