
Grants to Compton College Aid High School Students

Two federal grants supported in part by Lockheed Aerospace Corp. will enable Compton Community College to bring nearly $1.2 million in assistance to high school students in Compton, Lynwood and Paramount, a college spokesman said.

The separate grants from the U.S. Department of Education are both aimed at encouraging teen-agers to complete high school and go to college, said administrator Ron Chatman, whose office drafted the original proposals. He said Rep. Mervyn Dymally (D-Compton) and Sens. Alan Cranston and Pete Wilson “supported our cause.”

A three-year, $750,000 grant under the School, College, and University Partnership program will benefit at least 300 10th- and 11th-graders in the Compton, Lynwood and Paramount school districts who have academic potential. Another 75 students interested in computer-assisted drafting and engineering will receive tutoring, counseling, college-level instruction and job internships through Lockheed.


A three-year, $420,000 grant under the Upward Bound program will benefit 150 10th- through 12th-graders in the three school districts. Upward Bound will include an academic year program, a summer program and a summer bridge program for graduating seniors. The summer sessions will be held on the Compton College campus.

During the academic year, activities will focus on basic skills and academic, personal and career counseling. During the summer program, each student will be required to enroll in four basic skills courses and work with a tutor.

Participants in the summer bridge program will take two regular college courses and receive counseling and tutoring.
