
Culver City : Residents to Study Traffic

The City Council has decided not to make any changes in traffic controls in the Sunkist Park area, but it will form a citizens committee to seek ways to cut down on the speeding and heavy traffic that residents say plagues the neighborhood.

At Monday’s council meeting, residents of Sunkist Park, southwest of Sawtelle Boulevard and west of Sepulveda Boulevard, complained about speeding on Sawtelle. A traffic consultant hired by the city reported that most vehicles on the 35-m.p.h. street were speeding at 40 to 45 m.p.h., and a few were traveling more than 50 m.p.h. Installing stop signs, however, would cause congestion, the consultant said.

Residents on the most heavily traveled streets, such as Hayter Avenue, argued that they were being unfairly burdened and that traffic should be equally distributed throughout the neighborhood.


Mayor Jozelle Smith, proposed that the council “not do anything radical,” and endorse the consultant’s recommendations to maintain the traffic controls as they are. The committee of residents will be named by the council.
