
* The National Multiple Sclerosis Society netted...

Compiled by Bea Maxwell

* The National Multiple Sclerosis Society netted $192,000 on its April 9 MS Super Cities Walk through Pasadena involving 2,200 walkers. On a bike tour held April 8 and 9, a 120-mile overnight trip from Claremont to Murrieta with 570 cyclists, more than $85,000 was netted for the society.

* The St. Francis Medical Center’s 1989 Charity Ball held June 17 at the Los Angeles Biltmore Hotel raised more than $80,000 to support the center’s charity services. Dr. Angus McDonald, one of the founders and a past chief of staff of the hospital, was honoree. Carol Attyah, Beth Easter, Eva Kratz, Leila Milkie and Ouida Wilson were co-chairs.

* The Greater Los Angeles/Orange Counties Chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation held its Second Annual Casino Fling June 24 at the Anaheim Marriott Hotel. The event netted $30,000, to be used to continue research in the fight against cystic fibrosis. Barry E. Zanck was chair.


* On July 2, the 3rd Annual Star-Spangled Spectacular Ice Show, held at the International Training Center near Lake Arrowhead, raised more than $65,000 for the Foundation for International Ice Skating Advancement. The funds will be used to continue the scholarship program for training young ice skaters at the Ice Castle International Training Center at Blue Jay. Gilbert Holmes is foundation president.

* On July 6, the Elizabeth Bixby Janeway Foundation donated $2,500 to Hathaway Children’s Services, a Los Angeles-based nonprofit agency for abused and neglected children. The money will be used for operating expenses for Hathaway.

* Recycling Black Dollars’ first event held July 7 at the Stock Exchange Restaurant and Nightclub netted $4,000. Vonetta McGee and Carl Lumbly were honored with Performing Arts Awards. Ed Cambridge received a Life Achievement Award. RBD is a California-based organization directed at motivating and encouraging black professionals, business persons and consumers to invest in the future of the black business community. Hattie Jackson was chair.


*The American Cancer Society’s July 16 California Spirit V, the Annual Gourmet Gala held at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Robert Birndorf, with Wolfgang Puck chef-hosting, netted an estimated $90,000 for the society. Sherry Lansing was host committee chair, Beverly Petal event chair.
