
Pasadena : New Water Rates Proposed

A proposal to encourage water conservation by adjusting city water rates--including higher charges for large residential, commercial and industrial users--will be considered by the Pasadena Board of Directors at a hearing Aug. 8.

The plan would increase revenue for the city water division by 6.3%, and would include a higher summer rate to reflect higher costs of providing water during peak demand.

Some residents would save money under the plan. A homeowner who uses about 1,800 cubic feet of water a month, now costing $12.07, would pay $11.48 in winter and $12.38 in summer under the proposed rates. But a residential customer who uses 5,500 cubic feet of water a month, now costing $27.47, would pay $45.68 in winter and $49.68 in summer under the proposed rates.
