
Too Much Growth in Southern California

Iwas born in California and have spent my life watching its wonders diminish under the weight of runaway property development. We have so little left, and Cheeseboro Canyon is one of the few garden spots remaining.

Southern California is turning into one huge, cement parking lot. The more houses, the more cars; the more cars, the more smog and traffic. But even more, open spaces and trees are vital to the very air we breathe. This planet is in trouble. We are destroying the ozone layer. We are destroying our natural foliage and fauna. It is not just in the Amazon basin that this suicidal devastation is taking place; we are doing it right here to Southern California.

There is so little left of our heritage, let us preserve what remains. This state does not need more people. More houses invite more people. There has to be an end to this persistent destruction of our state. Leave Cheeseboro Canyon alone! California was unique. We are killing it. When the developers fill every bit of open space, life will not be worth living here, and what was once a Garden of Eden will be a chaos of urban crawl. Stop now before we lose everything. No upzoning. Obey the General Plan.



Thousand Oaks
