
EASTERHOUSE “Waiting for the Redbird.” Columbia * 1/2: <i> Albums are rated on a scale of one star (poor) to five stars (a classic). </i>

Despite the group name, this is basically a solo album by Easterhouse frontman (and sole remaining member) Andy Perry. Although this young Brit’s art ‘n’ soul is thematically in the right, Left-of-centre place, the entire vainglorious project collapses under the irony-poor bloody weight of all the musical and lyrical cliches. Billy Idol, INXS, Bryan Ferry, Bowie, U2, Broooce . . . they’re all here in form, if not in spirit. Aside from some well-manicured synthesizer/guitar soundscapes, this LP gives absolutely no indication that the bloke with his mug on the cover is currently anything more--and much less than--the sum of his “influences.”
