
The Airport Noise-Abatement Issue

Reference is made to Rebella’s letter “John Wayne Airport Noise Abatement” (May 14): Even if he has established one of the most comprehensive noise-abatement programs in the country, it still has a long way to go before it becomes as effective as he apparently thinks it is.

An excellent illustration of conditions and effectiveness can be witnessed almost every morning at very shortly after 7 o’clock. Usually there are two or three Douglas types following one after the other, then a two-engine job like AirCal used to fly and lastly one of the English-made AirBus four-engine types. It has been my experience to note that all of the Douglas birds, seemingly all of the same model, vary significantly in noise emission and all are louder than either of the following different types, and, of course, the British-made plane is the least loud of any. My conclusion is that not only is there a difference in performance by make and model but also in the way the pilots comply.

Of course, striking an average over each quarter gives a false sense of security. One plane traveling very quietly can pull the average down significantly while, if evaluated separately, it would indeed show that the violations are blatant and quite injurious.


I am reliably informed that noise of this type is insidious and compounds upon itself, which makes it essential that Rebella evaluate the commercial carriers on the same basis as general aviation, i.e., on a single basis, and certainly should not only exercise the prerogative of expulsion of the violaters, but also publicize his dedication to have the standards observed.


Balboa Island
