
Oil Poured Into Fountain at Exxon

From Associated Press

Oil was poured Wednesday into a dry fountain in front of the Exxon building in Manhattan, and a caller claiming responsibility said it was in retaliation for the company’s giant oil spill in Alaska.

A caller identifying himself only as an Alaskan told the Associated Press that he and a fellow Alaskan had dumped 50 gallons of oil in the Exxon fountain, which has been under repair.

The caller said the pair put the oil in the fountain so Exxon executives “might feel a little closer to the story” of the oil that spilled March 24 from the tanker Exxon Valdez and “to protest that it’s taking a long time to clean up.”


“It was a very small amount, and we’re cleaning it up,” said Vince Silvestri, spokesman for the Rockefeller Center office complex. He said it appeared to be motor oil.
