
Blockbuster Boycott

Regarding the comment of Mark Hayden, marketing director of the Blockbuster Video chain, that “The Last Temptation of Christ” was “enough of an insult to our senses that we chose not to carry it” (Morning Report, May 10): To which senses does he refer? With video titles such as “Saturday Night Sleazies,” “The Sadist” and “Rest in Pieces” currently available in Blockbuster stores, one can reasonably assume that those senses exclude taste, morality and intelligence.

What my senses detect is an arbitrary and hypocritical censorship and spinelessness in the face of controversy.


Los Angeles

A spokesman for a Southland Blockbuster store said that the “Saturday Night Sleazies” series deals with old “B” movies and that the other two movies are in the horror genre.
