
Samuelson on Adolescence

Bravo to Samuelson for his column! He succinctly gathered up all the loose ends and tied up the demise of our American education system into one bundle of disaster.

I’ve been substituting in many of the local high school districts and the story is essentially the same. With too few exceptions, I find the attitudes of youngsters in general disrepair. They lie, cheat, and try desperately to get away with the least effort, if any at all. They are mean and self-centered.

Perhaps, these ugly traits stem from an indifferent society. Parents, generally, no longer ask their children what they did in class that day, or what homework was due the next day, or what they are doing in the way of “giving” positively to the betterment of their classes and school environment.


I wish that teachers were able to send back to parents, for perusal, students’ results of writing assignments. They’d throw up! Or should! But, then again, psychologist Harold Stevenson, through his research, concluded, “Americans score lower in achievement but, with their parents, are more satisfied with their performance.” How sad!


