
Gun-Control Legislation

With typical trigger-finger reaction, four gun lovers take potshots at The Times for its editorial favoring saner and stricter controls on certain firearms in California (letters, “Gun Control: ‘Get It Done,’ ” April 23).

All four fume with predictable paranoia over their right to bear arms being inhibited. None, however, say a word about being members of a “well-regulated militia”--a key prerequisite to that right as specified in the Bill of Rights.

On second thought, who can say the National Rifle Assn. isn’t a well-regulated group? Just try passing a law that begins to curb the selling and owning of certain military assault weapons and take cover. Die-hard NRA types and others of their ilk instantly open fire with a hail of wrath in an orchestrated attack on any who dare oppose them.


It’s sad these gunslinging grown-ups never outgrew their prepubescent fetish for toys you point at people and say “Bang! You’re dead.” Otherwise, they’d see that sometimes public safety takes precedent over selfish interests.


Los Angeles
